Survey for Netatmo


Local visibility for Netatmo

Survey as a PR tool

Media are interested in current and locally relevant stories. When it comes to a product launch, most people only think about announcing the product. However, let's go further: what added value does this new product offer, how can unknown functions be clearly explained, and why is it relevant to the target group? For our client Netatmo, the leading French provider of user-friendly smart home solutions, we make every product announcement a unique story.

Powerful announcements

We are always looking for surprising, original perspectives to arouse press interest in a product. For example, before the product launch of the Netatmo Smart Carbon Monoxide Alarm, we organized a survey with as many as 1000 Belgians. The survey was conducted in collaboration with the market research and opinion firm iVox. We then flavored the product launch press release with the survey's key findings, increasing added value and journalistic relevance.

We chose this approach because we noticed that relatively few people in our environment were familiar with CO and how it differs from CO2 in terms of properties and effects. With results that show, among other things, that less than half of Belgians are convinced of the fatal consequences of too high a CO concentration and fewer than one in three Belgians have a CO detector at home, media such as DvO, Construction & Living and Installation & Construction, immediately convinced.

Follow-up reviews

Since consumers' product experience plays a prominent role in purchasing decisions, we also conducted product tests in conjunction with this product launch. In this way, important media channels, such as La Libre Belgique, raise awareness about CO and give the public a clear picture of the physical features and functionalities of the Netatmo CO detector.

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