Positioning FTI And& as the place to be for everyone interested in technology


Brand awareness and strategic communication

In December 2023, FTI and& Leuven approached Evoke to create a PR campaign for their upcoming festival. Unlike other cities hosting FTI, Leuven aimed for a proactive communication strategy to highlight its extensive program. The primary objectives were to attract 18,000 visitors and prove to stakeholders - city officials, government entities, and investors - that the festival is an added value for the city. 


The challenge was twofold: competition with other cities hosting simultaneous FTI events meant vying for the same audience, and Leuven's theme of healthcare was perceived as less appealing for a general audience compared to other cities' focuses on technology and gaming. The creative concept therefore revolved around making healthcare innovation accessible and engaging, positioning FTI and& Leuven as a dynamic hub for forward-thinking discussions and technological advancements in healthcare.


The campaign employed several key tactics. To generate early engagement, starting communication in December 2023, three months prior to the festival in March 2024. This proactive approach set the stage for a robust media presence and public interest. As the festival approached, we focused on individual events during FTI And&. Storytelling played a crucial role, highlighting human-interest stories like the ‘Health meets hardware’ technology catwalk featuring Julie Verlinden, a student who regained mobility through a spinal implant by Onward Medical. Her story was covered by major outlets such as De Tijd, Het Nieuwsblad, and HLN. 

Media outreach was another essential tactic, with targeted efforts to secure interviews and features with notable figures like entrepreneur Piet Colruyt and other conference speakers, ensuring coverage in quality media like De Tijd and De Morgen. Other highlights included Kanaal Z’s coverage of the ‘Body of the Future’ opening and HLN's reporting on the ‘Human Library’ intellectual speed date. Post-event coverage helped maintain media momentum, with interviews featuring influential personalities such as journalist Tim Hofman and economist Noreena Hertz, extending the festival’s visibility. 

Results and impact

The festival attracted 23,000 visitors, surpassing the target of 18,000 by 27%. Enhanced visibility and demonstrated success of the festival provided strong evidence to stakeholders of the event’s impact and engagement within the city. Our PR strategy helped to exceed the objectives, making FTI and& Leuven a standout success.

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